Staffing Made Simple *

willSub is the solution to all your staffing needs...

ESS Midwest uses willSub to assist districts with their staffing programs, providing an automated substitute placement and absence tracking system to schools. By combining this with the benefits of contract employment and payroll processing, ESS Midwest offers districts a single source that meets the needs of education professionals everywhere.

“Before WillSub I would spend hours each night working in my sub book. I would have to do this at home, after hours, since I am the only secretary for my building of 35+ staff. My office is the "Hub" of this school and therefore I am not able to try to find substitutes during the day. A normal evening at home consisted of 3 hours on the phone trying to cover staff. I would beg, plead and even (at embarrassing times), pretend to cry because I couldn't get it covered!! (not my proudest moments!), but it would work!!!! I was constantly stressed and close to tears (for real) and absolutely hated that part of my job!!!! I did this for 21 years! My husband was so tired of me being anxious! Tired of me worrying if a classroom would be covered the next day! Tired of me spending all of "our" time on the phone! With WillSub all of that ended!!! I have so much free time that my kitchen is cleaned right after supper AND laundry is done before bed time AND we can actually have uninterrupted time in the evenings! I LOVE WILLSUB!! It really did give me a new life - after school. Thank you WillSub and my school district for sign up with you!”

- Ellen Grogan
Administrative Assistant
Eureka Springs School District, AR


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